In order to view this page, you MUST
be wearing Red/Blue 3D glasses!

(so you can look cool like me, in my
1983 Burgerville paper 3D glasses.)


This type of Red/Blue image is called an anaglyph. It is a method of encoding the 3-dimentional (3D) world (height, width and depth) into a 2-dimentional (height and width) medium such as film, paper or your computer monitor.

The idea is that a red filter will pass reddish colors at their full brightness and turn blue to black. Vice-versa, a blue filter will make blue colors appear as bright as white and turn red to black. That visual trickery allows us to take two distinct images, one for each eye, and overlap them. If those two overlapping images have the propper perspective, then your brain will interpret the two images as one 3-dimensional scene.




This was one of my first attempts at making RB 3D from scratch. More recently, some wise individuals have turned this image into a CD cover.

This was my apartment in Eugene, Oregon. The source file images are below, and can also be seen in 3D without the R/B glasses.
Same picture, but you seen in 3D without the R/B glasses. Stare at it, with your left eye on the left image and your right eye on the right image. This is kinda how the 3D Viewmaster system works.
My more recent adventures have taken me to the Table Rock Wilderness area. This rock formation is the north end of Rooster Rock. The peak of Table Rock is in the background.

Some fine examples on other peoples' sites:

www.cascade3d.org is a Portland Oregon 3D club!

www.photo-3d.com is a Portland Oregon 3D person!

3D movies and movie promo posters.

Stereo photos, anaglyphs of Japan (with nice viewing instructions).


Back to the boring 2D world.
"She only sees 3D when she's on top." --James